Manyland parkour tower
Manyland parkour tower

July 24 2021: There's a new setting "Guard against some flicker & visuals"! (Please see the Misc board for more.) Thanks Rose! July 24 2021: The "Guardto!" command has been replaced by the new setting "To-teleports end with !", and it now persists across devices & deleted cookies! Thanks Skittle! July 24 2021: Area Generators can now be saved as items, and then added to the area dialog to persist and be seen by others! The syntax changed a bit, so please see the Misc board for more.

manyland parkour tower

July 25 2021: The Area Dialog saw a complete overhaul to become better organized & contain a bigger editor list! Hat tip to Rose-Woman and The Skittler! July 26 2021: The texts & links of area ads are now editable for as long as the campaign is running! Also, ad campaigns are now pausable! Thanks Rose & Skittle!

manyland parkour tower

July 26 2021: There's a new attribute for Dynamics, Wearables & Flying Mountables: Pass Through Solids! (Like other physically affecting items, you need to be editor to equip it from your panel, otherwise you can only use it when placed in the area.) Thanks Boined! July 26 2021: You can now right-click (on mobile: long-tap) the "My Voice" boosts to set a font for the area dialog title! or for bigger steps, Shift+Ctrl+Arrows! (We're still looking into supporting this on mobile too.) Thanks everyone! July 27 2021: You can now move your held & worn items by hitting Shift-Arrows. July 28 2021: The profile includes a new page for items you have attached! Please check out the Misc board for more. July 29 2021: There's a new attachment slot: Wearable+! Find out more on /themiscboard Thanks everyone! September 28 2021: We continue to do upgrades today - if you run into any issues when creating, you may want to halt that temporarily! More info at /themiscboard Thanks Rose & everyone! October 18 2021: We're aware of the issue of items not appearing for some of you, and are trying to fix it! Thanks everyone! They are aware of the issue and we hope it's going to be resolved soon! October 18 2021: Our so-called Content Delivery Network provider has some issues delivering to the US and UK. November 22 2021: Bouncies below Doors to make one enter without wanting to are now better guarded against in the Elsewhere region! Thanks Skittle & everyone! November 22 2021: Throwable Stickies & Transportings are disabled in the Elsewhere region for now! Thanks Skittle & everyone! November 23 2021: Thrown items which clear attachments or bump someone are now effects-free in the Elsewhere region! Thanks Skittle & everyone!

manyland parkour tower

September 6 2022: We updated something to help with certain types of lag! Thanks everyone! April 17 2023: We fixed an issue related to creating sub-areas as non-editor! Thanks everyone who noted this!Īpril 16 2023: We fixed an issue where in some public centers, one could build after snapshot-teleporting even without required rights.

Manyland parkour tower